Erdem Beğenilmiş
Büyük Veri Mimarı – Oredata
Erdem Beğenilmiş is the Big Data Architect of Oredata, a software development and consultancy firm that specializes in big data and artificial intelligence. Oredata completed several national and international big data projects successfully that focused on fields ranging from telecom to finance, from retail to oil and gas and smart cities. Using its extensive domain expertise, Oredata helps its customers to deliver better customer experience and improve corporate processes.
Erdem has 8 years of research, software development and consulting experience in different areas especially in big data, social network analysis and payment gateway systems.
He studied in two research labs in Boğaziçi University (Complex Systems Research Laboratory) and Ege University (Seagent Multi-Agent Systems Research Laboratory).
He received his BSc from Ege University and MSc from Boğaziçi University both in computer engineering.